"The Eco-Schools programme engages children and young people in key issues including the environment, sustainability, global citizenship and the value of a low carbon future."
We are participants in the Eco Schools Program. This means that each year we have an Action Plan, then Monitoring, then and Environmental Review process.
To see what types of actions our E-Team is working on you can explore the documents on this page. Please note, this is an evolving process... We work hard for continuous improvement... => These are working documents - alive and evolving all the time.
1. Our first step each year is a SWOT analysis of our environmental program (click for larger view).
2. Next we reviewed our actions against the WWF/EWS recommendations for a green school (click for larger view).
3. Then all of this is compiled into an Action Plan and Environmental Review Document. Click here to see our draft environmental review. Note that as you scroll down through the document, you will find all our policies, eco-code, SWOT, WWF/EWS recommendations analysis etc. as part of the environmental review.
4. Then we have an Action Plan. This is reviewed each year in the same process as we get better and better.
Good work