Here is a quick preview of this years planned events so far.
Keep your eyes here for updates, calendars, and photos!
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2016 5th Grade EXHIBITION
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Healthy Bake Sale!
On Tuesday Nov 17, we had a healthy bake sale and raised over 1,000 Dsh!
Proceeds have been used for plants on campus!
Thanks for your support and check out how our eco-garden grows!
Recycling Day! (click for blog post and more photos)
Where: RWA campus
When: Primary School - 25 November at 2.30pm
Sponsored and supported by: Suez Environnement

Beach Clean ! (click for blog post and more photos)
Keep your eyes here for updates, calendars, and photos!
- NEXT -
2016 5th Grade EXHIBITION
RWA 5th graders make in-depth projects on subjects of their choice.
We are sure to see many environmentally themed projects
(as we always do from our AWESOME RWA students)!
We are sure to see many environmentally themed projects
(as we always do from our AWESOME RWA students)!
To see the 2015 5th Grade projects with Environmental Themes on this blog post from last year CLICK HERE
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We invite you to participate in our Annual Eco Month :
RWA Cosplay and Sculpture Show, 2016
held on 2nd May, 2016 at our school premises Raffles World Academy.
The idea behind this event is to create an awareness about importance of recycling in a fun and exciting way:
· Students get to create a costume from their favorite movie, book or comic character made out of recycling materials or create a sculpture out of recycling materials.
· 15 participants should be selected from each school to compete in the Cosplay show.
· 10 sculpture pieces should be selected from each school to compete in the Sculpture Show.
· All participants must be 11 to 15 years old.
· Detailed information is provided in the poster and fact sheet attached.
Should you have any further queries please feel free to contact me at or Mr. Colin Scicluna (
27 April, 2016
27 April, 2016
Healthy Bake Sale 2016
24 April, 2016
- Help us raise money to support our RECYCLED FASHION SHOW!
21 April, 2016
(as Earth Day is 22 April - a Friday)
- DRESS in Green!
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Healthy Bake Sale!
On Tuesday Nov 17, we had a healthy bake sale and raised over 1,000 Dsh!
Proceeds have been used for plants on campus!
Thanks for your support and check out how our eco-garden grows!
Recycling Day! (click for blog post and more photos)
Where: RWA campus
When: Primary School - 25 November at 2.30pm
Sponsored and supported by: Suez Environnement

Beach Clean ! (click for blog post and more photos)
Where: Public Beach just North of Burj Al Arab
When: Secondary School - 9 November at 8 am (photos)
Sponsored and supported by: Suez Environnement
When: Secondary School - 9 November at 8 am (photos)
Sponsored and supported by: Suez Environnement

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