Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Welcome to RWA Eco Team Blog 2017!

This year we plan to tend to the eco garden and plant flowers and bushes once it cools down and becomes the season to plant. We plan to install an irrigation system designed by the primary students. We are going to add more bins around the school and ensure students put their rubbish into the correct bins. This will be enforced by our Eco Monitors. We are going to hold a poster competition for the school in order to encourage students to be more eco-friendly. We are also going to make an eco board to display in the atrium. Our school's Green Flag is also due to be renewed in the coming school year and this will be made a priority by our Eco Team.

Here are some "before" photos of the Eco garden as it currently is. We will be updating the blog on progress made to the garden throughout the year. We also met the primary school Eco team on our trip to the garden last week and look forward to working with them to create an even greener environment at RWA!

Secondary School Eco Team

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪eco logos‬‏

Go green!